Samer Aoudi
Browser Extensions to Detect Malicious Websites

Let us treat this as a problem that requires a solution. Here are the steps:

  • Identify the problem: The first step is to identify the problem that the extension will solve. In this case, the problem is detecting malicious websites.
  • Research and gather data: Next, research the various methods and techniques used to identify malicious websites. This could include gathering information on common indicators of malicious websites, such as unusual domain names or the presence of malicious code.
  • Design the extension: Next, design the extension. This could include deciding on the user interface, the types of alerts or notifications that will be used, and any other features that will be included.
  • Implement the extension: Once the design is complete, begin implementing the extension using a programming language like JavaScript or Python. This will involve writing code to detect malicious websites, as well as any other features that have been included in the design.
  • Test the extension: Once the extension is complete, test it to ensure that it is functioning correctly and accurately detecting malicious websites. This could involve manually visiting known malicious websites and verifying that the extension correctly identifies them as such.
  • Publish the extension: Once the extension is complete and has been thoroughly tested, it can be published to a platform such as the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons.

Please note that the information provided in these tutorial is for educational purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in these tutorials and shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions. By accessing and using these tutorials, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
Important! It is illegal to perform any type of intrusion or hacking activities without explicit permission.
Identification Techniques

There are several methods and techniques that can be used to identify malicious websites:

  • Examining the website's URL: Malicious websites may use unusual or suspicious domain names that are different from legitimate websites. For example, a website claiming to be a bank may use a domain name that is similar to the bank's real domain name, but with a few letters or numbers changed.
  • Scanning for malicious code: Malicious websites may contain hidden code that is designed to harm your computer or steal your personal information. Scanning tools can be used to search for this code and identify potential threats.
  • Checking blacklists: There are several online databases that maintain lists of known malicious websites. These blacklists can be accessed and searched to determine if a website has been identified as malicious.
  • Examining the website's content: Legitimate websites typically have well-written, professional content. In contrast, malicious websites may contain poor quality content or content that is unrelated to the website's claimed purpose.
  • Analyzing the website's reputation: Some websites may have a reputation for being malicious or untrustworthy. This reputation can be assessed through various means, such as checking user reviews or consulting with experts in the field.
It is important to note that no single method or technique is foolproof and it is often necessary to use a combination of these methods to accurately identify malicious websites. It is also important to regularly update any security software or tools used to identify malicious websites, as new threats are constantly emerging.

Python Code

Here is one example of Python code that detects malicious websites by examining the URL:

import re
def is_malicious(url):
  # Compile a regular expression to match unusual domain names
  pattern = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9.-]')
  match =
  # If the regular expression matches, the URL is considered malicious
  if match:
    return True
    return False
# Test the function with some sample URLs
urls = ['', '', '']
for url in urls:
  if is_malicious(url):
    print(f'{url} is a malicious website')
    print(f'{url} is a legitimate website')

This code uses a regular expression to match URLs that contain characters that are not letters, numbers, periods, or hyphens. If the regular expression matches, the URL is considered malicious.

It is important to note that other methods and techniques may also be used.

Package The Code

To package a Python script into a format that is compatible with Google Chrome, you can use the pyxx library. Here is an example of how you can use pyxx to package a Python script into a .crx file:

  1. Install the pyxx library using pip:
  2. pip install pyxx
  3. Create a manifest file for your extension. The manifest file is a JSON file that specifies the name and version of your extension, as well as other details such as the permissions that it requires and the scripts that it runs. Here is an example manifest file:
  4. {
      "name": "My Extension",
      "version": "1.0",
      "permissions": ["activeTab"],
      "background": {
        "scripts": [""]
      "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "My Extension"
  5. Create a file that contains the Python code for your extension. This file should import your main script and call the main() function. Here is an example file:
  6. import main
    def run()
  7. Use the pyxx command-line tool to package your extension into a .crx file. You will need to specify the path to your manifest file and the path to the directory containing your extension files. The following command will create a .crx file in the current directory:
  8. pyxx pack extension_dir -o extension.crx
  9. To install the extension in Google Chrome, open the Chrome extensions page (chrome://extensions/) and drag the .crx file onto the page. The extension will be installed and activated.
Note: To use the pyxx library, you will need to have the Python development tools (such as gcc) installed on your system. You may also need to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the directory where pyxx is installed.
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