In this practical activity, you will use various tools to collect information about your target.
Why this activity? In some cases, you will perform a pentest in a dark/black-box environment with no target information provided. Being able to understand your target is essential to subsequent steps. As a simple example, a person's name can be used to get an email address or username. In a later step, you may brute force the password to gain access to that person's account. In a clear-box model, you are given the information and thus recon becomes redundant.
cache: Show Google's cached version of a specific page.
filetype: Returns only search results that match a particular file extension.
related: Returns other websites that are similar to the queried website.
site: Returns only search results from a particular website.
inanchor: Returns pages that are linked to using anchor text matching the search query.
allinanchor: Same as inanchor, but matching every term that appears after allinanchor.
intext: Returns only search results that match in the page's body.
allintext: Same as intext, but matching every term that appears after allintext.
intitle: Returns only search results that match in the page's title.
allintitle: Same as intitle, but matching every term that appears after allintitle.
inurl: Returns only search results that match in the page's URL.
allinurl: Same as inurl, but matching every term that appears after allinurl.
In this activity, you will use different search engines and search techniques to discover information online
In this activity, you will use different tools to perform WHOIS lookup on selected target organizations
In this activity, you will use different tools to perform DNS Analysis on selected target domains.
You need to be able to use man and help to learn how to use Linux tools
In essence the different DNS tools perform similar tasks but have different syntax and produce output in different styles
Not all records will have information (i.e., some may be empty)
Note how DIG's syntax to specify the DNS record is different (easier)
Let's perform a Zone Transfer using the AXFR record (in two steps)
The results from the above command:
It is very unlikely that a zone transfer will work. It is a relatively old technique. It is a way to get data and information that can help in an attack.
In this activity, you will use different tools to perform OSINT analysis